2024 Fitness Journey Update Among Other Things

First gym selfie in a minute.

Every couple of years or so I neglect this blog for months on end for no particular reason. Sometimes I forget it even exists. Some blogger I am (I haven’t done much pleasure writing for some time either, some writer I am). For the uninitiated, I started it to keep myself accountable on my fitness “journey,” for lack of a better term. Once fitness became my lifestyle, it evolved into something else, something I am quite proud of despite my forgetfulness and neglect. If this thing was a Tamagotchi it would be dead already. The fitness journey continues albeit at a glacial pace. I haven’t lost as much weight as I’d like but 25-30 pounds has me feeling and looking better. I’m roughly halfway to where I want to be on the scale, but I am lighter on my feet and my clothes definitely fit better. And I’m wearing clothes I haven’t fit into in quite a while.

The journey has hit a few snags over the past few months, as such things often do. Family stuff, illnesses, and a petty spat with the gym (that has since been resolved) knocked me off course and led to a slight weight gain. I was down to 207 pounds, and have ticked back up to 212. Considering I was 237 when I rebooted this whole thing nearly a year ago, it could be much worse.

You would think that I would’ve lost weight at a faster rate. Thirty pounds in a year doesn’t seem like a whole lot. Pick up a 25-pound sack of potatoes and you’d change that perspective. The first time I went through this in earnest, I lost 46 pounds in a year, and it took me another year to lose 10 more. The difference? Nutrition and meal routine. I was so disciplined with food and counting calories and macros. This time, I decided to get right with exercise first and then fix my nutrition. I’ve attempted it a few times with no success. They say you can’t outrun a bad diet, and “they” are right. However, you can keep it at arm’s length for a time. I know I won’t get back down to 180-190 until I change my eating and drinking habits. Counting calories, measuring portions, and tracking macros is tedious, but it’s the only way to do it … for me anyway.

The good news is I have been back in the gym going on three weeks after a couple of months of trying to work out with my meager home exercise equipment and my current job keeps me moving and on my feet.

I would promise to blog and write more often (and bring back the podcast), but it would be an empty one because I am as streaky as my jump shot that way. Looking back at the past 12 months, I have gotten lazy recycling old content such as favorite Christmas songs and movies and TV specials, and holiday memories; I refreshed a blog about Stephen King, and puffed out my chest with righteous indignation over the “theft” of one of the best pieces of reporting I’ve ever done. That’s about it. The one thing that bears updating is the My 100 Favorite Horror Movies countdown I used to do every Halloween.

Funny how this whole content creator thing works. The more you produce, the more you’re seen and consumed. Slack off for a bit and the world moves on without you. It’s true for social media, and it’s true for blogging and podcasting.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’m productive. Regular job, ghostwriting, radio personality, and animal shelter volunteer certainly fill the days (and evenings), but I do need to get back to creating. These stories are eating a hole in my brain and they are dying to come out. And they will. Just you wait and see.